Underground Tourist

Democracy is falling. Borders are closed. Tourism is limited to an elite few. Something’s gotta give.

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Underground Tourist -Part 7

Democracy is falling. Borders are closed. Tourism is limited to an elite few. Something’s gotta give.

Underground Tourist – Part 6

home page “No first names?” Melchior considered this carefully, they were there as Johnson and Terrell.  He didn’t want to blow it so he wanted to play it safe, not knowing what the real Johnson and Terrell were named. “Not tonight, babe,” he said with a wink. “A man of mystery,” said the blonde, to…

Underground Tourist – Part 5

“Your old fashioneds, gentlemen” said a beautiful East Asian woman in a silk cheongsam dress carrying a tray. She set their drinks in front of them on napkins, and then put a plate of steamed dumplings between them. “Chuck Wo’s famous spicy pork dumplings, courtesy of Chuck Wo himself.” “Why thank you, Miss–”, began Melchior.…


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